How to Use the Kubectl Proxy Command

The kubectl proxy command is used to create a proxy server between your local machine and the Kubernetes API server. It allows you to access the Kubernetes API and services running in the cluster without exposing them externally.

To use the kubectl proxy command, simply run:

kubectl proxy

This command will start a proxy server on your local machine, listening on localhost and port 8001 by default.

Once the proxy server is running, you can access the Kubernetes API and services using the following URL format:


Replace {{API_endpoint}} with the specific API endpoint or service you want to access. For example, to access the Kubernetes API, you can use:


Or to access a specific service, you can use:


Replace {{namespace}} with the desired namespace, {{service_name}} with the name of the service, and {{port}} with the port number.

Please note that you need to have the kubectl command-line tool installed and properly configured to connect to your Kubernetes cluster in order to use the kubectl proxy command. Additionally, ensure that you have the necessary permissions to perform this action.

The kubectl proxy command is useful for accessing the Kubernetes API and services running in the cluster without exposing them externally. It provides a secure way to interact with the cluster from your local machine.

Remember to adjust the placeholders ({{}}) with the actual values specific to your use case.