no11Cryptography and Coding Theory

Homework:AssignmentswillbefoundonBrightspace.Generally,youwillhaveonedueeach week on Wednesdays at 11pm. Additionally, there will be 5 special codingassignments due throughout the semester, due Sunday at 11pm. The standardassignments and coding assignments will be weighted equally. They are to besubmitted through Brightspace. Your lowest 2 scores will be dropped. This is intendedto accommodate for extenuating circumstances so rather than submitting lateassignments and getting behind.EthicsProject:AdetailedexplanationoftheEthicsprojectisincluded attheendofthesyllabus.Exams:both midterms and the final will be take-home exams. They are open book,open computers (within reason; see the note on computer usage). They are not openneighbor. You are expected to complete them on your own without discussing theproblems with other students,otherprofessors,strangersontheinternet,etc.Iwillgiveyouaccesstocertainonline tools that you may use, and will show you how to build yourown which you may also use. You may not use tools built by anyone else.

Computers:This is a math course, but due to its nature, we will use computersextensively, including for homework assignments and exams. I will give you access tocertain online tools, butyoumaynotusetheinternet tosolvehomeworkorexamsproblemsusinganytoolsother than those I specifically give you access to. No priorprogramming experience is required to perform well in this course. However, I will showyou how to use the Python language in Google’s CoLab environment. You are welcometo code in any language that you are comfortableusing,butthegradedcodingassignmentswillneedtobesubmittedin pythonfor the sake of the grader. If you havenever coded before I am happy to work with you in office hours to help you feelcomfortable. For questions regarding the usage of AI, see the policy statement below.Groupwork:Youareencouragedtoworktogetheringroups,askquestionsandhelpeach other. However, you should write up your own homework solutions and computercode.Copyinganotherstudent’sworkisneitheracademicallyhonest,norwillithelpyoumasterthe material and perform well on exams.Policies:Lecture Attendance:The stated attendance policy of the College of Arts and Scienceapplies in thiscourse;unlessyouhaveanexcusedabsence,youareexpectedtoattendallscheduledclass meetings.Examplesofexcusedabsencesincludeparticipationinasponsoreduniversityactivity, observance of religious holidays, serious illness, death inthe student’s family, or graduateschoolinterviews.Ifyoumissalecture,itisyourresponsibilitytoobtainnotesfromaclassmate and review the textbook before coming to me with questions. If you miss alecture, you are responsiblefor anyassignmentsand/orannouncementsmade. If youmissan exam,please see the appropriate sections below for more details.UsageofgenerativeAI:TheUsageofgenerativeAI(suchasChatGPTorotherservices) mustbe disclosed when used, and discussed with me beforehand. You shouldnot use these tools to sidestepyourowneffortincompletingassignments.Doingsowillbecounterproductivetoyour learning in this course. You should not use generative AI tocomplete your coding assignments foryou,ortowriteyourethicsproject(Itmay,however,assistyouinperformingyourresearch).Accommodations:Ifyourequirecourseaccommodationsduetoadisability,needspecialarrangementsincaseofevacuation,orhaveemergencymedicalinformationthatneedstobe shared with the instructor, you should contact the instructor as soon as possible.Student Access Services(SAS, 615-343-9727 or atVanderbilt provides instructors with information about specific accommodations withphysical or learningdisabilities. Facultycannot provideaccommodations withoutanofficialnotification fromtheSASoffice.Ifyoubelieveyouqualifyforaccommodations,youshouldcontacttheSAS office during the first week of classes. Failure tocontact them in a timely manner and follow the given procedures may result in a delaythat prevents you from receiving youraccommodations.Uponreceivingappropriatedocumentationfromthestudent,theSASoffice will arrange with the instructor for the appropriate accommodations.