matinal:SAP Down Payment的设置和使用分析

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前言:在SAP系统中,Down payment(预收/预付款)属于special G/L。使用这种功功能,可以让系统记录供货商/客户的未结账项(open item),收款或付款时通过特别指示码,即可将down payment项包括在其中。


在SAP系统中,Down payment(预收/预付款)属于special G/L。使用这种功功能,可以让系统记录供货商/客户的未结账项(open item),收款或付款时通过特别指示码,即可将down payment项包括在其中。
Step 1 –用Tcode:OBYR进入设置界面
Step 2 -设置指示码A的科目对应
选择SGL Ind. A为指示码。如果默认名称各描述不符合需要,用菜单[Edit]→[Change Name]进行修改。
双击这一行,输入科目表(Chart of Accoutns, COA)进入下一界面
Step 3 –指定统驭科目所对应的特别总账科目。如本例设置:301010(应付账款)所对应的特别总账科目为208010(预付账款)
Step 4 –用同样的方法设置指示码为F的科目对应
1)创建预付款申请(T-code: F-47)。刚才配置指示码F的科目对应目的也就在此。
2)用T-code: F-48预付款,设置指示码A的科目对应才可进行处理。预付款产生的会计分录为
3)用F-54结清down payment,系统产生的会计分录为
4)如果不专门结清,用F-53付款后,down payment也会结清。注意:应选中特别指示码A。
5)用FBL1N查看供货商明细项时,选中Special G/L Transactions,即可包括预付款。选中Noted items,即可包括预付款申请。
6)客户down payment的设置和使用大体相同。相关T-code如下:
F-37 Down payment request
F-29 Down payment
F-39 Down payment clearing
LO615 Billing中的一个练习。感觉这是一个相对不错的练习(培训中大部分练习感觉都是鸡肋) 一个down payment的billing过程涉及到了billing plan以及FI clear过程。短短几步但是可以看出billing plan的作用和clear的过程。

-1 Create a standard order (OR) for customer T-S66F## (sales organization 1000,
distribution channel 10 and division 00). This customer orders an elevator (material
number: T-FS2##). The purchase order number is ##LO615-AZ.

2-1-1 Go to the billing plan.
Select the item and choose →→ goto->item->billing plan

2-1-2 Create an invoice for the down payment request.

Enter the order number above and choose the to
restrict the dates as described above.

=> Billing type FAZ is used for billing the down payment request

2-1-3 The customer paid the down payment that was figured into the invoice. Post the payment.
Accounting->FI->Customer->Document Entry->Down Payment->Down payment
Doc Date: current date
customer account: 1280
Special G/L indicator: A
Bank Account:113100
Amount: Refer FI Doc generated by billing doc
Choose Request

Select the down payment requests in the list and choose .

2-1-4 Now execute the milestone billing process for the first settlement period

=> Two items appear in the billing document:
The amount from the first partial billing document and the down payments
made by the customer that still need to be settled

2-1-5 How could you arrange for the down payment to be only partially calculated
into the first partial invoice?

Condition type AZWR is used especially for down payment processing. If you
only want to carry out partial settlement, you can select the down payment item
to be settled in the billing document, branch to the pricing screen, and change
the value of condition type AZWR.

2-1-6 Check the document flow for this order.

怎么样,在了解Down Payment的设置和使用分析后,有何感想?

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