spawn_group_template | spawn_group | linked_respawn


  • spawn_group | spawn_group_template 用来记录与脚本事件或boss战斗有关的 creatures | gameobjects 的刷新数据
  • linked_respawn 用来将 creatures | gameobjects 和 boss 联系起来,这样如果你杀死boss, creatures | gameobjects 在副本重置之前不会重新刷新(335此表被废弃)


  • groupId
    • 刷新组的 ID。它必须是一个唯一的数字
    • 0-4 保留用于系统任务
  • groupName
    • 刷新组的名称
  • groupFlags
    • 刷新组的标识,取值参考源码 SpawnData.h 的 SpawnGroupFlags 定义
    • 此值为位掩码,要应用多个,只需将他们相加
Flag Mask Value Description
SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_NONE 0x00 0 No flags applied
SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_SYSTEM 0x01 1 Group is a system group (applies to standard groups 0-4)
SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_COMPATIBILITY_MODE 0x02 2 Group will contain legacy objects/creatures that don't work with dynamic spawn changes
SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_MANUAL_SPAWN 0x04 4 Group will not be spawned by core by default. Scripts can manually spawn/despawn these groups on demand.
SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_DYNAMIC_SPAWN_RATE 0x08 8 Group will have dynamic spawn rates applied (by default quest interested creatures/gos and gather nodes use this)
SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_ESCORTQUESTNPC 0x10 16 Group contains Escort quest NPCs. This further enhances Dynamic spawn to begin respawn time at the point a quest is taken and the escort begins
SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_DESPAWN_ON_CONDITION_FAILURE 0x20 32 Group despawns on condition failure


  • groupId
    • 刷新组的 ID,它必须与 spawn_group_template 表中已存在的组匹配
  • spawnType
    • 刷新类型,0 为 creature,1 为 gameobject
  • spawnId
    • 刷新组中所包含的 creature | gameobject 的 guid
    • 所有此处 creature | gameobject 的 guid,均应在 creature | gameobject 表中有记录


  • guid
    • 要链接的creature | gameobject 的 guid
  • linkedGuid
    • 要链接的 Boss 的 guid
  • linkType
    • 链接类型
Value Dependent Master
0 creature creature
1 creature gameobject
2 gameobject gameobject
3 gameobject creature


  • 以下为黑龙巢穴副本刷新组数据,其中 spawn_group_template.groupFlags = 4(SPAWNGROUP_FLAG_MANUAL_SPAWN表明,ID = 10 的刷新组系统默认不会自动刷新,需要手动通过代码或在 instance_spawn_groups 设置相关数据来控制其是否刷新

