// simple derived class

// simple derived class
class RatedPlayer: public TableTennisPlayer

unsigned int rating:
RatedPlayer (unsigned int r = 0, const char * fn = "none",
const char * in = "none", bool ht - false):
RatedPlayer (unsigned int r, const TableTennisPlayer & tp):
unsigned int Rating() ( return rating: ]
void ResetRating (unsigned int r) {rating = r; }



程序清单 13.5 tabtenn1.cpp
// tabtenn1.cpp -- base class methods and derived - class methods
#include "tabtennl.h"
#include <iostream>
Vinclude <cstring>

// TableTennisPlayer methods
TableTennisPlayer: :TableTennisPlayer (const char * fn, const char * ln.
bool ht)

std :: strncpy (firstname, fn, LIM - 1);
firstname [LIM - 1] = '':
std :: strncpy (lastname, ln, LIM - 1);
lastname [LIM - 1] = '':
hasTable - ht:


void TableTennisPlayer :: Name () const

std :: cout << lastname << ", " << firstname:


// RatedPlayer methods
RatedPlayer :: RatedPlayer (unsigned int r, const char * fn,
const char * In. bool ht): TableTennisPlayer (fn, ln, ht)

rating = r;


RatedPlayer :: RatedPlayer (unsigned int r, const TableTennisPlayer & tp)
: TableTennisPlayer (tp). rating (r)

程序清单 13.6 创建了 Table TennisPlayer 类和 RatedPlayer类的对象。请注意这两个类对象是如何使用
Table TennisPlayer 类的Name()和HasTable()方法的。

程序清单 13.6 usett1.cpp
// usettl.cpp -- using base class and derived class
#include <iostream>
#include "tabtennl.h"