Construction plan for departmental unit collaborative application support platform and mobile office


Part 1 System Technical Plan 4

Preface 5

Chapter 1 Requirements Analysis 6

Project Background 6

[1.2] Analysis of User Status 7

Project Objective 7

[1.4] Overall Construction Requirements 8

Chapter 2 Planning and Design of Collaborative Application Support Platform 9

【 2.1 】 Platform Construction Principles 9

【 2.2 】 Platform Design Principles 10

【 2.3 】 Platform Planning and Design 11

[2.4] Application Support Platform Operating Environment 34

Network Logic Diagram 35

Chapter 3 Planning and Design of Mobile OA Remote Office System 36

Overview of OA Functionality 36

[3.2] Software Function Design 36

[3.3] Daily Office Subsystem 37

【 3.4 】 Supervision and Management Subsystem 49

[3.5] Public Information Subsystem 51

Professional affairs subsystem 54

【 3.7 】 Personal Affairs Subsystem 58

【 3.8 】 Archive Management Subsystem 62

[3.9] System Management Subsystem 69

[3.10] Other related systems 72

Chapter 4 Remote Office System 79

[4.1] Remote Office with Wide Area Network Access 79

[4.2] Implementing Mobile Office through Remote Dial-up Access 79

[4.3] Connection with subordinate units 79

[4.4] Network Logic Diagram for Remote Work 79

[4.5] Technical support for remote work 80

[4.6] Technical indicators for remote work 80

Chapter 5 System Security System Design 82

[5.1] System Access Security 82

[5.2] System Fault Tolerance and Breakpoint Continuation 82

[5.3] Data Security 82

【 5.4 】 Antivirus 83

[5.5] System Logs 83

[5.6] Network Security 83

【 5.7 】 Digital Certificate Authentication Security Technology 83

Chapter 6 System Related Configuration (Reference) 86

[6.1] Software Environment 86

[6.2] Hardware Environment 86

Part 2 Engineering Services 88

Chapter 1 General Implementation Principles 89

[1.1] Project Progress 89

[1.2] Project Organization 89

[1.3] Project Implementation 90

[1.4] Project Management 91

[1.5] Project Acceptance 91

Training 91

[1.7] After sales service 91

Chapter 2 Project Organization 92

Organizational Structure 92

[2.2] Personnel Responsibility 92

Chapter 3 Project Schedule Arrangement 94

Chapter 4 Project Management and Quality Control 96

[4.1] Management and Cooperation during Engineering Implementation 96

[4.2] Plan and Work Report 97

【 4.3 】 Project Phase Acceptance 97

[4.4] Individual problem-solving methods 98

[4.5] Brief Introduction to the Company's Technology Quality Management System 98

Chapter 5 System Training 103

[5.1] Training Objectives 103

[5.2] Training Course 103

【 5.3 】 Training Methods 103

[5.4] Training Process 104

Chapter 6 Acceptance Plan 105

Overview 105

[6.2] Document Acceptance 105

[6.3] Functional Acceptance 106

[6.4] Performance Acceptance 106

Chapter 7 After sales Service 108

[7.1] After sales service commitment 108

[7.2] After sales service system 109

[7.3] After sales and maintenance service content 110

Part 1 System Technical Plan


Requirement analysis

Application support platform planning and design

OA system planning and design

Remote office system

System security system design

System related configurations (reference)


Information technology is an important productive force driving global economic and social development in today's world. With the acceleration of the technological revolution led by information technology, the level of informatization has become an important indicator of a country and region's international competitiveness, modernization level, and comprehensive strength. Vigorously promoting the informatization of the national economy and society is a strategic measure that covers the overall modernization. Using informatization to drive industrialization, leveraging the advantages of latecomers, and achieving leapfrog development of productivity has become a consensus among government leaders at all levels.

XX is a major province in information technology in China, with a leading level of socio-economic development in the country. Effectively utilizing modern information technology to accelerate the pace of administrative informatization and modernization is an urgent requirement to adapt to the new situation of reform, opening up, and modernization construction, promote sustained, stable, rapid, and healthy development of the national economy, improve the investment environment, and create new advantages for XX.

In the 2001-2005 Plan for the Construction of Government Affairs Informatization of XX Provincial Government System, it is proposed that "in the the Pearl River Delta and other developed areas, it will take three years to implement e-government projects, promote internal office automation, paperless document exchange, networked management decisions, and electronic public services.

In order to achieve the comprehensive informatization of the provincial government system and in accordance with the requirements of the information system construction of XX Department in XX Province, our goal for this project is to build and implement the application support platform of XX Department in XX Province, and to achieve the main office automation functions of paperless internal document circulation, electronic archive management, and electronic customs affairs management. The system will fully consider future scalability and introduce data and application integration functions to form a resource integration system. Finally, information integration will be achieved to build a unified and efficient collaborative office platform for the informationization construction of XX Department.

The completed system will improve the level of information technology work in XX Department, strengthen communication, closely connect XX Department with superior and subordinate units and various sectors of society, provide high-quality information services for XX Department leaders, and strive to build this project into a model project for the national XX system and government agency information technology construction.

Chapter 1 Requirements Analysis

Project Background

The XX Department of XX Province is a functional department of the Provincial People's Government in charge of XX administrative work and an important tool for people's democratic dictatorship. It is a multifunctional and comprehensive functional department. We have made our own contributions to maintaining social and political stability in XX, promoting reform and opening up, economic development, and legal construction.

With the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economy system, XX work is increasingly becoming a focus of attention for the whole society. The use of advanced information technology to provide comprehensive services to the whole society is of great significance for improving work efficiency, improving decision-making quality, effectively utilizing information resources, and achieving the scientific and modern nature of XX work.

At present, the information technology work of the XX department of the province is relatively blank, which is both a test and an opportunity for us. In this project, the XX department of the province will first implement an application support platform and build a network office system based on the application support platform. After the application support platform of Provincial XX Department is completed, future information systems will be built based on this platform.

[1.2] Analysis of User Status

[1.2.1] Organizational framework of departments involved in the project

Brief description:

The office location of Provincial XX Department is located at No. 51 Municipal Civil Road, Guangzhou. Based on the existing network and future planning of Provincial XX Department, this system will consider that XX Department has a complete, secure, and reliable network operating environment, and all users involved in this project will work in this network;

The XX Department of XX Province is mainly composed of various management departments and affiliated institutions. This office system will be mainly applied in the above-mentioned management institutions, with a staff of about 300 people;

Other computer application software systems involved in this project (to be clarified).

【 1.2.2 】 Current situation of informatization

In terms of communication infrastructure: As XX Department is currently planning to build computer networks, the construction of these network systems will lay a good communication foundation for the construction and use of information systems.

Information system: Currently, the XX department of the province has established financial systems, website systems, etc. The construction of the application support platform reserves development interfaces to prepare for the implementation of the entire XX department's e-government system;

Usage habits: Through the early efforts of the XX department of the province, the office staff at all levels of the department have basically mastered the daily use of computers, laying the foundation for the implementation and promotion of this system.

[1.3] Project Objectives

By utilizing advanced computer network technology, security authentication technology, and advanced software development models, an application support platform based on B/S software architecture will be established for XX Department of XX Province. This platform will serve as the foundation for the subsequent information system application of XX Department, standardize and integrate existing work business processes, and lay the foundation for realizing the informationization of XX Department's system government affairs. And on the basis of the application support platform, achieve paperless document circulation and electronic archive management within the XX department, providing effective technical guarantees for the transmission, management, and inquiry of documents and data between various departments of the organization, improving work efficiency and management level.

Overall construction requirements

This project mainly designs and develops the application support platform and office automation system of XX Department in XX Province, and follows the guiding ideology of "unified planning and step-by-step implementation; framework platform precedes functional modules; common modules precede specialized modules; and standardized management of processes is achieved while maintaining existing operating habits and working methods as much as possible" to build an advanced, open, and stable information management application system and platform, In terms of functionality, it is required to cover the business needs of XX Province and XX Department, and in terms of performance, it should achieve fast response speed, good stability, safety, reliability, simplicity, and ease of use.

Chapter 2 Planning and Design of Collaborative Application Support Platform

【 2.1 】 Platform construction principles

1. Unified planning and step-by-step implementation

The construction of informatization is not achieved overnight. We must adhere to the principle of unified planning and step-by-step implementation, and gradually improve it.

2. Design first, implement later

All project construction stages must first write design documents, which can only be implemented after being signed and confirmed by the user.

3. Unified standards and management

During the development process, this system strictly followed the national standards, industry standards, and the definition of e-government standards by the national e-government standardization group (such as using the J2EE platform). The system has an international standard software architecture and interface (XML), ensuring fast and smooth information exchange with other systems, achieving comprehensive utilization of resources, and unified management.

4. Information exchange and resource sharing

The focus of information construction is on collaboration. This system adopts a standard architecture and data interface to ensure good information interoperability, eliminate information silos, and in the future, it can achieve information and data exchange and resource sharing with relevant units and other government cooperation units.

5. Emphasize practicality, security, and confidentiality

By sharing information and resources, we can demonstrate the effectiveness of government cooperation. At the same time, we have carried out a three-dimensional and comprehensive security and confidentiality design from three levels: system, application, and usage, ensuring smooth government cooperation under the premise of security and confidentiality.

6. Professional, meticulous, and quick response

Professional, meticulous, and quick response are our attitudes towards users. Quality is life, and it requires the establishment of a sound quality management mechanism. Each engineering process has clear quality requirements to ensure the implementation of the system and after-sales service.

Platform design principles

1. System progressiveness principle

The system adopts the industry recognized advanced J2EE/EJB multi-level architecture, ensuring the mainstream of the system, which is also the factual standard for the construction of national e-government.

2. Principles of adaptability and flexibility of the system

The system can easily adapt to changes in the situation of XX department, including organizational structure, personnel and division of labor, office regulations, and other changes.

3. Cross platform principle

The system supports hardware platforms based on Windows NT/2000, AIX, OS/2, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, and other operating platforms, and can smoothly migrate on various platforms without the need for development.

4. Principle of System Scalability

After the system is built, new application requirements can be seamlessly added to meet future business needs. This system has interfaces with other systems and can adopt standard and unified data structures to adapt to future development. The system can also be easily extended to all subordinate institutions, supporting a centralized approach or adopting a distributed approach.

5. The principle of system efficiency

The information volume of XX Hall is very large and increases significantly every year, so the system's information storage, management, and retrieval must consider this factor to ensure that the system has sufficient retrieval and processing speed, and can achieve a system response time of less than 3 seconds for local network response and less than 10 seconds for remote dialing when there are a large number of users (more than 5000 people).

6. Principles of System Stability

After the implementation of the system, there are many users and a wide range of involvement, so the stability of the system is crucial, and the system must have sufficient stability assurance.

7. Security principles of the system

How to ensure the security of information and user usage will be a very important technical key. Security issues can be comprehensively considered from the aspects of system architecture, security software, user authentication, application design, and system management, and designed and implemented at the three levels of system, application, and usage. The system should have multiple security measures to ensure the normal operation of the system: the security of system hardware, the security of system software, the security of network communication, the security of development tools, and the security of functional settings.

8. Standardization principle

Design strictly in accordance with the technical and regulatory requirements of the "Electronic Government Standardization Guidelines" of the "National Electronic Government Standardization Overall Group", and strictly follow the relevant national, provincial, and municipal standards in the system's entries and terminology; If there are no relevant standards during the development of XX administrative system software, the developer may develop their own open standards.

9. Principles of protecting and saving investment

Emphasis should be placed on the basic platform functions of the system, integrating data and applications between existing and future systems through platform services. At the same time, a custom design style should be fully adopted to minimize modifications to the system code caused by changes in business requirements, thereby prolonging the system's lifecycle and saving investment from system upgrades and renovations.

Platform Planning and Design

【 2.3.1 】 Platform Overview

【 】 Platform Function Overview

The application support platform should include the following systems or components: workflow system, system configuration management, content management system, full-text search engine, statistical report system, unified authentication and authorization system, security encryption system, email system, unified messaging platform, data exchange interface, and system deployment tools; Reserve functional modules for payment gateway, voice gateway, streaming media gateway, and wireless access gateway.

【 】 System (Basic) Structure

Platform (Basic) Architecture

The basic platform logically consists of a web server, security proxy server, application server, multi-channel message center, system integration adapter, email server, SMS server, and fax server.

【 】 System Technology

The XX Hall application support platform is based on advanced, reliable, and flexible J2EE standards, supporting Enterprise JavaBeans ? (EJBs ?) Component architecture, JavaServer Pages ? (JSP) ?) Technology and Java Servlet application programming interfaces (APIs). Fully based on JAVA's features to enable collaboration