Spread.NET V17 for ASP.NET Update Crack

The Spread Ribbon Control is a new addition to Spread.NET, allowing you to insert the Designer ribbon into your application for use with Spread.NET. This includes contextual ribbon tabs, buttons, menus, and Error Handling. You simply create the ribbon bar instance and attach it to an FpSpread

We're excited to announce that Spread.NET V17 has just released with lots of exciting new features. Let's jump right into the enhancements:

  • Spread Ribbon Control
  • Workbook Enhancements
    • Header and Footer WrapText
    • Printing Enhancements
    • Saving to HTML
    • Built-In Themes
    • Office 365 Default Theme 2023
    • Custom Document Properties
    • Get Last Row/Column of a Cell Range
    • ColumnDragMoveCompleting/RowDragMoveCompleting Events
    • Hide Borders of Spilled Dynamic Array
    • Paste Options for RichClipboard
    • GoTo First/Last Sheet
    • Copy Method for IWorksheets
    • Scrolling Left and Right with Mouse Wheel
  • Calculation Enhancements
    • EVALUATE Function
    • IRange.HasSpill API
  • Chart Enhancements
    • Multi-Level Category Labels
    • Chart Sheet
    • Embedded Shapes within Charts
  • Shape Enhancements
    • Shape with Curve Annotation
    • Insert Pictures in Cells
    • Vertical Text in Shapes
  • .NET 8 Support
  • Shortcut Keys
  • Performance Improvements

Ready to Check Out the Latest Release? Download Spread.NET Today!

Spread Ribbon Control

The Spread Ribbon Control is a new addition to Spread.NET, allowing you to insert the Designer ribbon into your application for use with Spread.NET. This includes contextual ribbon tabs, buttons, menus, and Error Handling. You simply create the ribbon bar instance and attach it to an FpSpread instance:


You can also override built-in commands using the CommandExecuting and CommandExecuted events and manually execute commands using the ExecuteCommand function.

New .NET Spreadsheet Ribbon Control

Workbook Enhancements

Header and Footer WrapText

With this release, Spread.NET provides the ability to wrap text for Column headers and footers with the WrapText2 property.

Wrap .NET spreadsheet header and footer text