Data on the modernization level of industrial chains at the provincial level in 31 provinces across

Data on the modernization level of industrial chains at the provincial level in 31 provinces across the country from 2001 to 2022: Basic digital innovation, resilience, synergy, and sustainability

Including raw data, processing code, processing results, and references.

Currently, the global industrial chain is accelerating its adjustment and reshaping, and the security and stability of China's industrial chain are facing significant challenges. Improving the modernization level of the industrial chain will be one of the key tasks in China's economic development in the future. However, current academic research on the modernization of industrial chains is still in its early stages. The measurement of industrial chain modernization provides important guidance for the adjustment and reshaping of global industrial chains, as well as economic development. Therefore, the use of scientific and reasonable indicators for statistical monitoring of China's industrial chain modernization level is of great research significance.

Referring to Zhang Hu's approach, data indicators were collected from six dimensions: industrial chain foundation, industrial chain digitization, industrial chain innovation, industrial chain resilience, industrial chain collaboration, and industrial chain sustainability. The entropy method widely used in the field of economic evaluation was used to calculate the modernization data of industrial chains at the provincial level in China from 2001 to 2022, for everyone to study and use.

1、 Data source

Mainly sourced from statistical yearbooks of various provinces.

2、 Time span


3、 Data range

Provinces in China

4、 Data indicators

Variable Description


Fundamentals of the industrial chain

Circulation capacity

Total mileage of graded highways per 100 square kilometers

Railway operating mileage per 100 square kilometers

Freight turnover

Communication support

Number of internet broadband access ports per 10000 people

Long distance optical cable line length per 10000 people per unit area

Enterprise digitization

Number of computers used per hundred people

Digitalization of the industrial chain

Number of websites owned by 100 companies per [URL=]

The proportion of enterprises with e-commerce transaction activities to the total number of enterprises

Industrial digitization

The proportion of e-commerce sales to GDP

Industrial chain innovation

Innovation investment

Full time equivalent of R&D personnel in industrial enterprises above designated size

Innovation output

PCT international patent application volume

The proportion of new product sales revenue to main business revenue of industrial enterprises above designated size

Resilience of the industrial chain

High end leadership

rational structure of production

Advanced industrial structure


Cost per 100 yuan of operating revenue for industrial enterprises above designated size

Main business income realized by industrial enterprises above designated size for every 100 yuan of assets

Profit margin of total assets of industrial enterprises above designated size

Profit margin of operating income for industrial enterprises above designated size

Industrial chain collaboration

Financial collaboration

Balance of various loans from banking institutions

The proportion of various loan balances of banking institutions to GDP

Innovation collaboration

External R&D expenditures of industrial enterprises above designated size

The proportion of R&D external expenditure to GDP of industrial enterprises above designated size

Sustainable industrial chain

Energy saving production

Energy consumption per unit of regional GDP

Electricity consumption per unit of industrial added value

Pollution emissions

Emission of sulfur dioxide per unit of industrial added value

Green governance

Comprehensive utilization rate of general industrial fixed waste

The proportion of completed investment in industrial pollution control projects to industrial added value this year

composite index

provincial level

Modernization level of industrial chain

national level

The modernization level of China's industrial chain

Process data:

Year Pro median population per 10000 people, unit area of long-distance optical cable line length per 100 square kilometers, total mileage of grade highways per 100 square kilometers, railway operating mileage, freight turnover, and above scale industrial enterprises RD personnel full-time equivalent PCT international patent application volume, new product sales revenue, industrial structure upgrading, industrial structure rationalization, operating costs Total profit of 100 million yuan, total profit of 100 million yuan, balance of various loans from banking institutions, industrial enterprises above designated size, RD external expenses of 100 million yuan, energy consumption, median industrial output value, 1000 yuan, electricity consumption, industrial pollution control project, completed investment of 10000 yuan, industrial sulfur dioxide emissions, tons, industrial general fixed waste, comprehensive utilization rate, pro1, median GDP, interconnection, 100 million yuan Tens of thousands of internet broadband access ports, e-commerce sales revenue in billions of yuan per hundred people using computers per hundred enterprises owning websites, median GDP per ten thousand people, internet broadband access ports, e-commerce sales revenue as a percentage of GDP The proportion of e-commerce transaction activity enterprises to the total number of enterprises. The proportion of median assets in total is billion yuan. The median operating income is billion yuan. The median main operating income is 10000 yuan. The proportion of new product sales revenue to main operating income for industrial enterprises above designated size is over 100 yuan. The cost of operating income per 100 yuan for industrial enterprises above designated size is over 100 yuan. The main operating income realized for industrial enterprises per 100 yuan of assets is over 100 yuan Profit margin of total assets of industrial enterprises above designated size, profit margin of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size, balance of various loans from banking institutions, proportion of various loan balances to GDP of industrial enterprises above designated size, external expenditure of industrial enterprises above designated size, proportion of external expenditure of industrial enterprises above designated size, median industrial added value, thousand yuan per unit of industrial added value, sulfur dioxide emissions The proportion of completed investment to industrial added value per unit of regional GDP energy consumption per unit of industrial added value electricity consumption for the industrial pollution control project this year

Processing result data:

Year Pro: Total mileage of highways per 100 square kilometers, total mileage of railways per 100 square kilometers, turnover of goods per 10000 people, number of internet broadband access ports per 10000 people, unit area of long-distance optical cable line length per 100 people, number of computers used per 100 people, number of websites owned by 100 enterprises, proportion of e-commerce transaction activities to total number of enterprises, proportion of e-commerce sales Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The proportion of full-time equivalent PCT international patent applications for RD personnel in industrial enterprises above designated size, the proportion of new product sales revenue to main business revenue in industrial enterprises above designated size, the proportion of advanced industrial structure, rationalization of industrial structure, and the realization of main business revenue per 100 yuan of assets in industrial enterprises above designated size. The profit margin of total assets in industrial enterprises above designated size Profit ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size RD external expenditure of industrial enterprises above designated size RD external expenditure as a percentage of GDP Industrial general fixed waste comprehensive utilization rate Industrial pollution control projects completed this year Investment as a percentage of industrial added value Cost of operating income per 100 yuan for industrial enterprises above designated size Banking institutions Loan balances of various institutions Loan balances as a percentage of GDP The proportion of energy consumption per unit of regional GDP, energy consumption per unit of industrial added value, electricity consumption per unit of industrial added value, sulfur dioxide emissions, modernization level of China's industrial chain

It should be noted that, in view of the availability of data, the following index data are not included in this index calculation: "owner business income of electronic information manufacturing", "proportion of owner business income of electronic information manufacturing in manufacturing industry", "R&D investment of industrial enterprises above designated size", "internal expenditure of R&D funds of industrial enterprises above designated size", "turnover of technology market", "fixed assets investment of producer services" The main business income of strategic new industries, high-tech manufacturing, and various indicator data under the dimension of chain control.

6、 References

[1] Zhang Hu, Zhang Yi, Han Aihua. Measurement Research on Modernization of China's Industrial Chain [J]. Statistical Research, 2022, 39 (11): 3-18. DOI: 10.19343/j.cnki.11-1302/c.2022.11.001

Data on Modernization Level of Industrial Chains in 31 Provinces and Provinces Nationwide from 2001 to 2022: Basic Digital Innovation Resilience, Collaborative Sustainability. zip (3.62 MB, required: RMB 49)

Data on the modernization level of industrial chains at the provincial level in 31 provinces across the country from 2001 to 2022: Basic digital innovation, resilience, synergy, and sustainability

Including raw data, processing code, processing results, and references.

Currently, the global industrial chain is accelerating its adjustment and reshaping, and the security and stability of China's industrial chain are facing significant challenges. Improving the modernization level of the industrial chain will be one of the key tasks in China's economic development in the future. However, current academic research on the modernization of industrial chains is still in its early stages. The measurement of industrial chain modernization provides important guidance for the adjustment and reshaping of global industrial chains, as well as economic development. Therefore, the use of scientific and reasonable indicators for statistical monitoring of China's industrial chain modernization level is of great research significance.

Referring to Zhang Hu's approach, data indicators were collected from six dimensions: industrial chain foundation, industrial chain digitization, industrial chain innovation, industrial chain resilience, industrial chain collaboration, and industrial chain sustainability. The entropy method widely used in the field of economic evaluation was used to calculate the modernization data of industrial chains at the provincial level in China from 2001 to 2022, for everyone to study and use.

1、 Data source

Mainly sourced from statistical yearbooks of various provinces.

2、 Time span


3、 Data range

Provinces in China

4、 Data indicators

Variable Description


Fundamentals of the industrial chain

Circulation capacity

Total mileage of graded highways per 100 square kilometers

Railway operating mileage per 100 square kilometers

Freight turnover

Communication support

Number of internet broadband access ports per 10000 people

Long distance optical cable line length per 10000 people per unit area

Enterprise digitization

Number of computers used per hundred people

Digitalization of the industrial chain

Number of websites owned by 100 companies per [URL=]

The proportion of enterprises with e-commerce transaction activities to the total number of enterprises

Industrial digitization

The proportion of e-commerce sales to GDP

Industrial chain innovation

Innovation investment

Full time equivalent of R&D personnel in industrial enterprises above designated size

Innovation output

PCT international patent application volume

The proportion of new product sales revenue to main business revenue of industrial enterprises above designated size

Resilience of the industrial chain

High end leadership

rational structure of production

Advanced industrial structure


Cost per 100 yuan of operating revenue for industrial enterprises above designated size

Main business income realized by industrial enterprises above designated size for every 100 yuan of assets

Profit margin of total assets of industrial enterprises above designated size

Profit margin of operating income for industrial enterprises above designated size

Industrial chain collaboration

Financial collaboration

Balance of various loans from banking institutions

The proportion of various loan balances of banking institutions to GDP

Innovation collaboration

External R&D expenditures of industrial enterprises above designated size

The proportion of R&D external expenditure to GDP of industrial enterprises above designated size

Sustainable industrial chain

Energy saving production

Energy consumption per unit of regional GDP

Electricity consumption per unit of industrial added value

Pollution emissions

Emission of sulfur dioxide per unit of industrial added value

Green governance

Comprehensive utilization rate of general industrial fixed waste

The proportion of completed investment in industrial pollution control projects to industrial added value this year

composite index

provincial level

Modernization level of industrial chain

national level

The modernization level of China's industrial chain

Process data:

Year Pro median population per 10000 people, unit area of long-distance optical cable line length per 100 square kilometers, total mileage of grade highways per 100 square kilometers, railway operating mileage, freight turnover, and above scale industrial enterprises RD personnel full-time equivalent PCT international patent application volume, new product sales revenue, industrial structure upgrading, industrial structure rationalization, operating costs Total profit of 100 million yuan, total profit of 100 million yuan, balance of various loans from banking institutions, industrial enterprises above designated size, RD external expenses of 100 million yuan, energy consumption, median industrial output value, 1000 yuan, electricity consumption, industrial pollution control project, completed investment of 10000 yuan, industrial sulfur dioxide emissions, tons, industrial general fixed waste, comprehensive utilization rate, pro1, median GDP, interconnection, 100 million yuan Tens of thousands of internet broadband access ports, e-commerce sales revenue in billions of yuan per hundred people using computers per hundred enterprises owning websites, median GDP per ten thousand people, internet broadband access ports, e-commerce sales revenue as a percentage of GDP The proportion of enterprises with e-commerce transaction activities to the total number of enterprises is in the middle value of assets, with a total of billions of yuan. The middle value of operating income is in the middle value of billions of yuan

产业链 Industry Chain ; Industrial Chain
现代化水平 Modernization level ; level of modernization
原始数据 raw data ; basic data
参考文献 references ; reference documents ; bibliography
一段时间 a period of time ; effluxion of time ; some time ; in a while ; period ; while ; time span ; time ; time frame ; stretch ; whet
经济发展 economic development ; growth
学术界 academic circles ; community of scholars ; academia
相关研究 correlational research ; correlational study ; correlation study ; correlation
水平展开 horizontal deployment ; horizontal development